September 03, 2011

Another fabric flower:)

Again please disregard the smudge on the pics:) Alright this tutorial is for an "open" ended round flower. (long title) Anyway here it goes!
You can use any kind of fabric for this one. Knit fabrics don't fray on the open ends whereas many other fabrics will. Thicker fabrics will require a bigger hand-sewing needle where thinner fabrics don't. Etc. It just comes down to what you want it to look like! This flower I used leftover muslin from making my temple skirt.

  • First cut 5 circles out of your fabric. (all the same size)

  • Now take one circle and fold it in half. Instead of basting a stitch on the opened end of the half circle, like in the rounded flower (Here)
Pull the thread so it looks like this:
Continue to do this to all 5 circles.

  • Sew the ends petals together. Make sure to secure at the bottom. Or you can always hot glue:)
  • You can add a large button, gem, pearls, or a smaller fabric flower in the middle. Then cut a circle of felt and hot glue to the back of the flower and add a brooch pin or alligator clip.

Have a wonderful day!

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